Performative Urbanism Lab for Spatial,
Social, and Scenographic Experimentation
The Digital Performativity of Public Space: Scenographic Approaches to Augmented Reality and Place-Based Storytelling
In what way can augmented reality technologies produce embodied experiences of place through storytelling in the public spheres of cities? How are urban narratives and temporary communities being created through scenography and the use of augmented reality in the city? This proposed project, The Digital Performativity of Public Space: Scenographic Approaches to Augmented Reality and Place-based Storytelling, focuses on the research and creation of augmented reality and its application to art and, more specifically as a scenographic apparatus for creating place-based stories of the city.
With this research-creation project, one of the overarching objectives is to investigate the relationship between augmented reality, scenography, data surveillance, and the spatial (hi)stories of urban change. One of the salient questions this project asks: how can augmented reality, as a form of scenographic storytelling (and activism), operate as a mode of cultural intervention within the public realm, troubling the boundaries and ubiquity of media and digital culture that is currently dominating, perhaps even edifying, and certainly surveilling the public life of cities?
Research Assistants:
Amanda Gutiérrez
Andrei Mamaliga
Alex Tigchelaar
This research-creation project is funded by the Fonds de recherche Société et culture Quebec (2020-2023).
Check out the webinar we hosted with renowned media artist Tamiko Thiel, on making augmented reality art in urban landscapes here.