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Graduate Student Symposium
Research-Creation as Critical Spatial Practice

Wednesday November 9th, 2022 




4TH SPACE, Concordia University 1400 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W.

Attend in person or join by Zoom 


4th Space is wheelchair accessible.


 This interdisciplinary symposium brought together graduate researchers affiliated with PULSE, from fields of performance and communication studies, architecture and design, geography and art education, to exchange and consider different methods of making research and creation as critical spatial practices.


14h00 - 14h10 |   Welcome by Jacob and Sarah


14h10 - 14h45  |  Learning from urban materiality


Eija Loponen-Stephensen, Master of Art - Art Education, Concordia University

Considering Montreal’s Underground as an Epistemic Site: A Rhythmanalysis 


Kévin Pinvidic, PhD INDI Program, Concordia University

Mixed materials in co-creation between human and non-human actors: 3D digitization as a mode of engagement and spatial writing with urban environments


Jayna Mees, PhD - Theatre and Performance Studies, York University

Activating Choreographies of Care: An Exploration of Spatial Interventions in Toronto’s Socially Distanced ‘Sidewalk Ballet’


14h45 - 15h15  |  collective discussion with respondents 30min


15h15 - 15h30  |  Break 15min 


15h30 - 15h55  |  Situating queer (un)tangible networks


Jacob Caines, PhD INDI Program, Concordia University

Mapping Queer Performance in Canada


T. M. Braun, PhD INDI Program, Concordia University

Virtual Queerality


15h55 - 16h10  |  collective discussion with respondents 15min


16h10 - 16h25  |  Break 10min 


16h25 - 17h00  |  Social conflicts and coalition across distance


Amanda Gutiérrez, PhD HUMA Program, Concordia University

Sono-(Soro)rities, feminist aural agencies from the Global South 


Sarah Bengle, MSc Geography, Concordia University

Situating land dispossession: the Gramalote project [1995 - 2022] in Antioquia, Colombia


Adela Golbard, PhD HUMA Program, Concordia University

Performing Subversion: A Collaborative and Anticolonial Exploration of Social Conflicts


17h00 - 17h30  |  collective discussion with respondents 30 min 

17h30 - 17h35  |   Closing words 

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